Sunday, March 12, 2017

A love like death

Tori Coates
Period 7
A Love Like Death

    The first thing you need to know about me is that you don’t mess with

me. I’ve been moving from home to home my whole life. I’ve been in the

system since I was five, I don’t remember a lot of my family, but if there is

anything my life has taught me was to always be alert and ready to fight.

Right now I am 16 years-old and currently living in THE WORST foster home

Ever. The lady who runs this place is abusive and the guy is a perv.  But at least

they let me keep Rebel, my dog. One of the places I lived gave me her but, they

were old so they died. They were my favorite home. But anyways,  my best friend is

named Eliza she also lives in the foster home with me. School is terrible. The girls are

all  petty and annoying and wannabes the guys are just players.  Poor Eliza got her

Heart broken once or twice before. But that was before I got there now,  everyone

Knows not to mess with me or my friends, well FRIEND. 

     All right that’s  enough with the boring stuff we are going to skip ahead to the

day it all started. It had been a normal week so far.  I would  wake up and take Rebel 

for her walk and then I would go to school and then go ‘’home’’.   Well this day started off really strange.  The first thing that was weird was that Rebel wouldn’t budge when

I put her on her leash when she is usually dragging me out the door  not the other way

around.  Then when I finally got her walking she wouldn’t enter the park we usually

walk around.  Then the weirdest thing happened. Well it was more terrifying than

weird. We were finally in the park  and then I got this eerie feeling that  we were being

watched.  Rebel  started to growl and stopped moving. That’s when I got scared.

“C-C’mon Rebel lets get back home” I said while tugging her leash. But she wouldn’t


“Rebel! Move it!” I snapped. Then suddenly this big flock of birds came flying at

me. I screamed. Suddenly it turned into this giant leathery bat looking thing. It

then lunged at me.

“HELP ME!!!” I screamed and the thing jumped on top of me and started

dragging me around the park like a rag doll. Then I heard Rebel bark and then

the thing went flying and Rebel was on top of it and biting its back. The monster

screamed out in pain. It then grabbed Rebel, roared in her face and tossed her

like she was a feather. She smacked into a tree and yelped.

“REBEL!!” I screamed. I got up and then picked up a rock and threw it at the

monster, “HEY! UGLY!” it looked over at me and roared. “Uh oh.”

I got up and tried to run but I was dizzy and I think my ankle was twisted. I fell

and started crying. The monster was right behind me it lifted me up and bit me

on the shoulder. I yelled louder than I ever have. Suddenly I was free falling.

“AAAAH” The suddenly I was caught. By the cutest guy I have ever seen. He had

brown eyes that were almost black, hair was the same, his hair was

kind of fluffy. He sat me down I felt blood trickling down my

Forehead, he took his sleeve and wiped it off.

“Hey, you okay there doll?” He asked with a thick Australian accent.

“ I-I  think so” actually I was dizzier than a top and my ankle was throbbing.

“ Ha. Doesn’t look like it mate. You’re looking a little green.”

“ Just need my dog and some water. Wait my dog. Rebel!” I jumped up but

immediately fell from being dizzy. “ I need Rebel!.”

“ Ok ok calm down love I will get her.” With that he went and picked up Rebel.

“Thank you” he handed her to me she’s ok cause she gets up and shakes and

starts wagging her tail.

“ Did you call me ‘love’??” I asked. I barely know this guy!.

“ I might’ve. Why?”

“ Um well cause I barely know who you are.”

“I’m Jack.”

“ What?”

“I’m Jack. Now you know who I am love.” he said with a wink.

“I-I’m Ember”

“Well Ember, lets get you and your pupper home.” With that he lifted me up and

took me to his car. Rebel jumped in the back and Jack put me in the passenger


“ Just make a rig-”

“We are here.” I didn’t even get to finish my sentence. We were at my “house”.

“Umm well thanks. Bye!” With that I jumped out of the car and grabbed Rebel

and went to the front door. I walked in and Eliza was right there.

“ UM. Where have you been?! I was so worried you missed half of school! What happened to your head?!” She yelled.

“I’m sorry I’ll explain later right now I’m just tired.” the there was a knock on the door.

“Um hey lovely you left this in the car.” He handed me my phone.

“Thanks. Bye!” with that I went to my room and went to bed.

    I woke up somewhere that definitely was not my room. Eliza turned

around and looked at me and smiled.

“Hey. How are you feeling?” she asked sympathetically.

“ Um confused. Where are we?”

“We are on our way to New York.” said a voice I recognized instantly. Jack.

“WHAT?!” I sat up super fast and hit my head on the roof of a car.

“Oww!” I said while rubbing my head. I heard a little laugh. “Shut your trap” I


“C’mon leave her alone Jack.”

“Awe its just a little fun.” He replied with a laugh.


SAKE!” I yelled. “Wait. Hold on one second. Where. Is. My. Dog?” I started

panicking but then I heard Rebel bark behind me and I immediately calmed

down a little.

“Ok now one more question. How do you two know each other?.” with that they

both looked at each other nervously. They then started whispering too each


Jack’s Point of View.

    “You tell her!” Eliza whispered to me.

“Why do I have too?” I answered.

“Because you’re the one who drug us into this mess!” she snapped at me. Gosh

daughters of Athena are so snappy.

“Fine!” I said and purposely slammed on the brakes to make the car stop

abruptly. Both Eliza and Ember yelped. I chuckled and looked in the review

mirror and saw Ember glaring at me. Her ice blue eyes pierced my soul. Well if I

had a soul. But still, her eyes were the most mysterious thing I’d ever seen. They

just stand out from her dark hair and tanned skin. She is a beauty my lovely is. I

gave her a wink in the mirror then I turned around to explain things to her.

“So here’s the thing. You know about ‘the gods’ right?”

“Yeaaaa…?” she replied

“Well they’re real, and you’re a daughter of Poseidon and Eliza is a daughter of

Athena and I’m a son of the one and only Hades.” with this she burst out


“ You can’t be serious?”

“Sorry lovely, I am serious.” I said then I turned my hair to flames just to show off.

“ AH” she screamed. She then proceeded to through water at me. From her

hands. We then all stared at each other wide eyed.

“ H-how did I just do that?”

“Told you I was serious mate.”

“That was so cool Em!” Eliza yelled. In my ear.

“Do it again!!”

“Wai-!” I started to yell wait but was interrupted with a water spout in my mouth.

Both girls started laughing like maniacs. Soon I started laughing too.

“ Now do you believe me?” I said with a laugh

“Well obviously.” Ember replied with an eye roll “But that still doesn’t describe

how you two know each other.”

“Well we kind of grew up together before they sent me to protect you a few years

ago.”  Eliza answered.

“Protect me?” Ember asked. “From what?”

“Weeeelllll you see you are kind of sort of being targeted by my father.” I said


“WHAT?!” Eliza and Ember yelled at the same time.

“YOU NEVER TOLD ME THAT!” Eliza yelled at me.

“ I know I’m sorry.” I replied

“ Wait why am I being targeted again?” Ember popped in.

“ Well you see he kind of thinks that you killed my mother. Heh heh.” I said


Ember’s Point of View

    After we talked little bit more I fell back to sleep. I was exhausted. But I

was also starving. That’s what woke me up.

“Guys. I’m hungry.”

“ We’ll pull over in a second. “ Jack replied.

“What state are we in?”
“Around the middle of Arkansas.”

“ Dang you drive fast.”

“Well we are running on the speed of souls.”


“I’m just kidding with you love.” he said with a wink.

“ Your annoying.” I said.

“Awe you don’t mean that lovely.”

“Oh really? Why do you think that?”

“You like me too much mate.”

“Ha. Your funny.”

“Oh am I now?”

“Well, funny looking.” I said with a laugh.

“Oh ok that one hurt.” Jack said.

“Are we getting food yet? I swear I’m going to explode if I don’t eat like now.”

‘Almost there.”

We then pulled up to a McDonald’s drive through.

“ What do my lovelies want?” he said nudging Eliza to wake her up.

“Huh? What?”

“What food you want Lizzy?” Jack said in a baby voice.

“ Oh food. Um I want chicken nuggets.”

“I want a big mac.”

“ Coming right up.”

    Then we got our food and drove to a nearby hotel. When we got to the

Hotel we all stumbled into our room totally exhausted. Then we ate, plopped on

the bed and fell asleep.

    Jack’s Point of View

    I was  the first to wake up. So I took a shower when I got up I looked over

at Ember. She really is beautiful. Especially when she isn’t so snappy. My father

is going to literally kill me when he finds out I’ve been helping her. I went out to

get them both breakfast. When I got back I found them both awake and laughing

at something. I went over to find out what they were laughing at. They were

laughing at me. Well a younger more awkward me. Of course Eliza kept our

pictures from when we were kids. I rolled my eyes.

“SO! Who’s hungry?”

“JACK!” they both yelled.

“Stop doing that!” Eliza yelled.

“And why would I do that?” then Eliza and Ember shared an evil look. Next thing I

know I’m all wet again. Both of them are dying of laughter.

“Well, well, well. If it isn’t my old friends. I’ve been looking for ya’ll.” said a too

familiar voice. Amos.

“Amos?! Oh my gods! Is it really you?” Eliza said jumping off the bed and running

to her old friend.

“Hey Amos.” I said.

“ Hello old friend.”

“Um hello?” interrupted Ember.

“Oh hi darling. I’m Amos you must be Ember. My mother is crazy bout you. Says

you’re too pretty to be a daughter of Poseidon. “ He said with a chuckle.

“Um who?” Ember asked?

“ My mother, Aphrodite.”

“Aphrodite thinks I’M pretty?”

“Of course darling.” replied Amos.

“Well! Nice seeing you again Amos but we should really be going.” I said.

“Ooh where we going?”

“No where”

“We’re going to New York.” Ember said.

“Oh how fun well we better be going.” Amos said.

“WE?” I asked.

“ Well unless you want me to tell your father about what you’re doing.”

“Fine. Go get in the car.”

    With that we left. Back on the road to New York.

We were driving along a road somewhere around Richmond, Virginia. When all

of a sudden a tree fell right in front of the car. I didn’t have enough time to stop

so we hit it and one of the branches went through the windshield, right into

Eliza’s stomach. She died instantly

“NO” Ember screamed and Rebel started barking and growling.

“We need to leave. NOW!” I yelled because the falling tree, wasn’t an accident.

“We can’t just leave her!” Ember yelled through her sobs.

“ We have to Ember! She’s gone she’s not coming back. And if we don’t leave

now we’ll all end up like her!” I yelled.

    She still wouldn’t get out of the car so I picked her up and started running

while Amos grabbed Rebel and followed with tears in his eyes.

    Ember’s POV

    I can’t  believe it. I just watched my best friend die. I cannot believe it.

Right now as Jack is carrying me im sobbing into his shirt but then, I heard a yell

and a whimper. I look up and scream. One of those things that attacked me had

just jumped on top of Amos and Rebel.

“NO!! REBEL!!” I sobbed but by then they too were gone the thing then started

chasing me and Jack. Suddenly a man appeared in front of us. We stopped


“Well hello son.” said the voice. Son? Oh no. It’s-it’s Hades.

“Father.” Jack  said through clenched teethe as he set me down.

“Awe come on Jacky. Don’t be that way. Especially not with me.”


“Shh.” Jack hissed.

“ Oh and who is this?” Hades asked.

I stepped in front of Jack.

“You know who I am.” I snapped

“Oh Ember right. I forgot you had an attitude.”

“ I have more than that.”

“Ooh feisty today aren’t we? “

“ I’m not feisty. I’m furious. You just killed my best friend and my dog and Amos!

What kind of monster are you?!”

“ Oh I’m no monster. I’m the monster to the monsters.”

“ You don’t scare me.” I hissed.

“ Oh but I should. Cause I can do this.” Suddenly a hole opened up under Jack.

He started to fall I grabbed his hand.

“JACK! OH MY GOSH! It’s ok I have you I won’t ever let go. Jack don’t let go! I

love you Jack you can’t leave me you’re all I have.” I started crying.

“Ember you have to let go! I love you too. I didn’t now that was even possible for

me. But you have to let go.” Jack said

I started to let him go but I couldn’t. So I jumped in with him.

    We died together. But, we got points for bravery and we all got sent to

Olympus and we are all happy. All of us; Eliza, Amos, Jack and I. Jack and I

even got married. We were even promoted to full on gods. Immortality is great.

The End